Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!

I wish a happy New Year to everyone! 
I decided to write a post in order to wish the best to everyone! Let's hope 2014 is better than 2013 was.
I am not going to wish the typical things everyone wishes on a New Years Eve, like "I wish 2014 brings the best to you". I hope YOU will do your best to make the most out of it! I hope YOU will take action and change everything you don't like and become better in 2014. 
That's my goal and my piece of advice to you! 
Be a little better every day! Learn as much as you can! Listen and understand more than you talk! Think more! Be yourself! Don't be afraid to take risks (in the end, we only regret the risks we didn't take)! Don't be afraid to go against everyone for what you want! Do what you truly love and have a passion for and everything else will eventually fall into place!! Always keep your head held high and you feet steady to the ground! 

To all the people that were there for me, that helped me become a better me, that showed me the way every time I got lost, that truly cared for me in 2013 I wanna say: 
Thank you for being there! I promise to always do my best so I can give back to these people, inspire them to be better and help them through their own struggles. I really can't express how much it means to me that you were there for me! I appreciate everything you have done and I hope I can be to others what you were to me!

To all the people that doubted me, that tried to hurt me, that tried to make me go against everything I stand for, that really made it hard for me this year I want to say:
My biggest thanks go out to you! You helped me become stronger, better, happier and smarter than ever! You helped me figure out a lot about myself and who I really am! You helped me become irresistible to pain!
You helped me know who to trust. You helped me grow up a lot and understand so many things better than before; you made me the man I want to be! Because, let's face it, you are the ones that deserve the most 
thanks. If it hadn't be for you, I wouldn't be writing this. I would be sitting on my ass, complaining about everything I don't like! You helped me gain more than I lost in 2013! And that's why I want to say that I appreciate it (even though I know no such person wanted it to have this outcome)! I wish all the best for you, too! 

To all the people I may have hurt or disappointed in some way:
I hope to learn from my mistakes as much as I can. I know that I did many things that I should have done in a different way... but I was always me. So I hope you understand. Sometimes, you may hurt others simply by doing what it is that you want. I don't apologize. I don't want to be better so everyone can like me. I just want to do as many good things as I can and as less bad things as I can in 2014. I am trying to learn from all those times I was wrong this year.

2014 is just a step away. Throw away everything that is holding you back. Sail to new seas. Discover new things. Change. Become better. Help others. Learn from others and teach to others. Give and get back. Love and be loved. 
Don't be afraid of anything. Fear exists only in the mind.
May this year hold the best that are yet to come for all of us.

From my heart to yours,
Costas Detroit!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poem : Το Μισοτελειωμένο Ποίημα.

Σε όποιον λέω ότι γράφω, σχεδόν πάντα, η πρώτη ερώτηση που δέχομαι είναι "γιατί δεν γράφω στα ελληνικά". Και αυτό γίνεται γιατί α) είμαι πολύ καλύτερος στα αγγλικά και β) δεν ξέρω γιατί, αλλά δεν μου "βγαίνει".
Αποφάσισα όμως ότι αξίζει να προσπαθήσω, τουλάχιστον μία φορά για να δω τι θα βγει. 
Το αποτέλεσμα είναι αυτό που θα διαβάσετε παρακάτω...


Σαν το φως του ήλιου που σβήνει
και το ηλιοβασίλεμα απαλά φιλά τα βουνά,
στο τέλος μου φτάνω, τίποτα πιά δεν έχει μείνει
και η καρδιά μου θα χαθεί, σαν πλοίο σε πελάγη μακρινά.

Σαν την βουή του πλήθους, ένα βράδυ στην Αθήνα,
όλα γρήγορα τρέχουν, μες την τρέλα του κόσμου.
Κι ίσως όλα τελειώνουν σαν τα βράδια εκείνα,
χείλη πικρά, μάτια υγρά, χέρια αδειανά στο τέλος του δρόμου.

Σαν τις μέρες του καλοκαιριού, σε ένα νησί, μακριά,
γέλια ταξιδεύουν στον αέρα, χαμόγελα ζωγραφίζουν την σκηνή.
Λέμε πως ξεχνάμε τον πόνο, μα πονάμε βαθιά,
γιατί η χαρά ενός αιώνα, είναι ο πόνος που νιώθω για μοναχά μιά στιγμή.

Σαν τα πουλιά που πετούν περήφανα στην αγκαλιά του ουρανού,
κάθε μέρα γρήγορα χάνεται με μια κενή ιαχή.
Και όπως τα κύματα, που με δύναμη χτυπούν την βάση ενός βράχου,
έτσι με συναισθήματα πλημμυρίζει η δικιά μου η ψυχή.

Και σαν ποίημα μισοτελειωμένο,
που για πάντα αίνιγμα θα παραμείνει,
για εμάς χάνεται το τρένο
και το τέλος, στο στήθος μου επάνω, για πάντα σαν φυλαχτό θα μείνει.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Poem : Nothing Lasts

If you want to read this poem with full explanations click here : Poetry Genius
(click on a line to read the meaning behind it)

Nothing lasts, no warm summer or cold winter can stand the test of time.
Nothing lasts, you have no recollection of a deed, whether it's charity or crime.
Nothing lasts, because even the beauty of a rose is diminished after a while.
Nothing lasts, no cry of pain or broad smile.

Nothing lasts, no excruciating pain and no overwhelming happiness.
Nothing lasts, no memory remains, no scar or sign of hopelessness.
Nothing lasts, because everything is gone, as soon as it comes.
Nothing lasts, not even a sharp wound upon my hands.

Nothing lasts as long as we wish it to.
Nothing lasts, especially when life is like a dream come true.
Nothing lasts, that's what life has taught me until now.
Nothing lasts, and life is like a maze without a map, no one can tell us how.

And even though nothing lasts and I know this for a fact,
I see that only my strong heart is left intact.
I see everyone around me living a devious lie,
and I know in my heart that I want to live a truth until I die.

Maybe nothing lasts, nothing but my soul, going against all odds,
fighting for a change, ready to face whatever challenge life holds.
Maybe nothing lasts, but my soul will live forever,
because I know that happiness and sadness go together.

Maybe nothing lasts, that's why my fears have disappeared,
I can finally see, my vision has cleared.
It's because of this that I fight, because nothing does ever last,
and I know that, either way, my life will be gone fast.

Nothing lasts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Review : Burial At Sea Ep. 1 (Bioshock Infinite DLC)

Burial At Sea Episode 1 is the 2nd piece of DLC from Bioshock Infinite (It's the first story-based piece of DLC).
While it was released in the US 2 days ago, it became available to Europe yesterday. I didn't pay for it, since I have already bought the Season Pass which gives you all three pieces of DLC and "The Early Bird Special pack" for just 19.99 euros. I was really looking forward to playing this, since Bioshock Infinite is one of my favorite games of all time and it seemed to be very interesting that the series was returning to the world of Rapture from the first Bioshock game.  

Watch the trailer of Burial At Sea Ep. 1 below.

If you are a fan of the Bioshock series or Bioshock Infinite, you definitely have a pretty good idea about how the story and gameplay mix in Bioshock games. All three of the previous Bioshock games have a huge influence on this DLC, making it sort of a combination of all three. Although Burial At Sea Ep. 1 is short, it does deliver a good amount of content (I have finished it twice since yesterday; on my first playthrough I explored a lot, got every trophy/collectible and many times, I stood for a lot of time in some places, staring at the beautiful enviroment and it took me 2 and a half hours to beat. I played a second time just to see how quickly I could beat it without exploring and looking around and it took me no more than 1 hour and 40 minutes.) but Irrational Games has already expressed that it values quality over quantity, so I think they have achieved their goal. 

  • Story

Even though it's too short, BAT Ep 1 manages to give you that "Bioshock" feeling. It doesn't do it to the point Bioshock or Bioshock Infinite does and that is not only due to the fact that it's short, but the fact that it just emphasizes on themes already used in previous games, so they seem familiar. But that was probably Irrational Games' intention; to create a story-based DLC with a lot of elements from previous Bioshock games, but with a different approach. Yes, the story is rushed and it doesn't really let the mystery built up like previous Bioshock games did, but it sure does a hell of a job at twisting the Bioshock Infinite plot. Though it may seem weird that it's set in Rapture (the place where the first 2 Bioshock games took place) and not in Bioshock Infinite's Columbia, there is an actual connection in both the ending of Bioshock Infinite and at certain points in the BAT Ep. 1. There are many references to both Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite and many fans will be at awe when they hear lines like "Constants and variables" or "I am in the debt collecting business" in the DLC. The main theme here, as in Bioshock Infinite, is the relationship between Booker (you) and Elizabeth, even though in BAT Ep. 1, it's not as crystal clear as in Infinite, because the story is focused on a little girl that is lost, Sally. Here, we see a much older, much more experienced and mysterious Elizabeth than we did in Infinite. She refuses to clearly state what she wants from Booker and even though all those who have played Bioshock Infinite will surely understand the story and many things Elizabeth says a lot better, she comes off as more of a mysterious woman. In Infinite, we see a weaker and more "dreamy" version of Elizabeth, whereas, here she is more strong and confident and in contrast to Infinite, she seems to be leading Booker towards the story's outcome, instead of being passive and submissive, like in Infinite. What I really liked from BAT Ep 1 was the return to a pre-fall Rapture. We get to see a lot of what was happening in Rapture before the original Bioshock. We get to see Cohen (he's as crazy as ever) and he does play a big part in the story. We get to see a lot of Rapture at its' peak era and that made me feel quite nostalgic, in a weird sort of way. And I think that is the biggest reason why I liked playing this DLC. The ending is like every other Bioshock game, a jaw-dropping, plot-twisting but much more predictable one. It's not as good as Infinites' and it's mainly because they almost head towards the same direction, but with a different approach. Its' short length is, in my opinion, what really kills the storys' impact, because even though I own and have played all of the Bioshock games and DLC, I think I would be more intrigued by Ep 1 if it was longer, because it would get to expand on the story and mull over various themes and that wouldn't damage the suspense of the story like it does now.

  • Gameplay

The games' combat mixes both styles from the original Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Even though the combat rakes place more dark and smaller spaces like in Bioshock 1, the return of the sky-hook (which is named air-grabber in BAT) and tears from Infinite spices it up a bit with Infinites' all-across-the-area battles. Ammo and supplies are a lot scarcer than in Infinite, so you will use stealth and melee a lot more often than in Infinite. Vigors are called Plasmids now, like in Bioshock 1 and there's a new plasmid called Old Man Winter, which is reminiscent (but not identical to) the Winter Blast of Bioshock. There's a new weapon, and all weapon skins from Infinite have been re-textured to fit more the Rapture era and feel. Voxophones and Kinetoscopes return, though there are very few to be found. The combat is exceptional, like in all the previous games, but it also feels different. To make it short; BAT Ep 1 is like a splicing (double entendre here!) of all previous Bioshock games, both in terms of combat and atmosphere.

  • Enviroment (Graphics, Sound, Atmosphere)

What is there to say about the exceptional environment of BAT Ep 1's version of Rapture? It's amazing. The graphics are great, like in all Bioshock games. At the beginning, the game has a more noir-like and jazzy atmosphere, mixing bright colors with great 50's design and beautiful NPCs. A lot of times, I found myself  just staring at the beauty and "shine" this world has. The world is full of details and there are many visual references to previous Bioshock games, which made me want to play Bioshock 1 again. The game merges the dark and scary enviroments of Bioshock 1&2 with Infinites' lively atmosphere. The music in the DLC isn't as great as in the previous games (Bioshock Infinite had an amazing soundtrack) but it's justified, considering its' shortness. The voice acting is as great as ever, with both Courtney Draper and Troy Baker delivering exquisite performances and with a cameo of T. Ryder Smith as Sander Cohen.

  • Bottom Line
The DLC is great and even though it's short, it does deliver what we can expect from a Bioshock game. The story is good, but not great. Visually, it reaches perfection, with great sound and voice acting making for a very good atmosphere. In terms of combat, we get a very different approach that mixes everything we've seen in previous Bioshock games to make a great combination.
I believe that it's a DLC worth playing, especially for Bioshock fans. It's short, but good and  Ken Levines' team does a great job at delivering a good, quality product to the fans once again. The DLC had me begging for more and I can't wait to see what happens in episode 2. It costs 15$ on the PSN Store, but you can get all three pieces of DLC (plus a special pack for the game) for 19$, which is more worth it, in my opinion.

Rating :

Pros : Amazing atmosphere, good combat and the classic feel of Bioshock games.
Cons : Short and, at times, predictable story.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Be Different, Be Yourself.

Hey there, world. Been a while since I posted anything. I feel ready to break my silence, even though "sometimes silence makes a sound".
Silence may be golden, but I really felt like I needed to write down my thoughts, since, sometimes, it's the only way I can express myself.
My life has been a mess lately and there's only one thing that keeps me from breaking down; being happy about who I am. I bet that sounds weird, but it's not.
All these months, I didn't stop writing as much as I used to. But I felt like all the things that I was writing about were not something I want to share. I get a feeling when I know that I have to post something while I write it, but I haven't felt like this in months. Not until now that I just felt like I wanted to share some of my thoughts.
You see, some times, you have to get to lowest point to really understand what matters. To fully realize what keeps us standing. What keeps us from breaking down, from going crazy.
It's 4 am and I am standing here, writing, so technically I am a tiny bit crazy, but you know what I mean.

Two years ago, I was a totally different person. I couldn't realize that people could be different from me. I used to think that anyone that was different was crazy or abnormal. I used to see things in a totally different and sort of "tunnel vision" way. I didn't realize many things.
But people change and I hope mostly for the better. Because since I don't believe in any religion or any god, I think believing in people is vital for me.
I remember that I used to believe atheists and gay people should be crucified. I remember feeling hate so vigorously that I still laugh at my own self. I thought "being different" meant "being wrong" not "being yourself".
Now, two years later, I am an atheist and a huge supporter of Frank Ocean, an openly bisexual artist. I learnt that I can appreciate and support things without having to be what I support.
I support being different, being honest. I support things I am not. I support pursuing dreams. I support making something from nothing. I support being creative. And I don't need to label it as something as long as I feel it is honest. My point is : I don't need to like football to support someone doing everything in his power to become a football player.
But people don't get that. People can't think outside the box. People are not inspired by something "different". People would rather hate a gay artist without any real reason and miss out on the great art he is creating. But these people won't really live until they open their minds.
In the end we're all the same, no matter how different we are; we're all human, we all make mistakes, we all love and want to be loved, we all need things, we all believe in something. Why hate anyone that's different, when you really are more alike than different? Why disdain someone for being something you're not? It doesn't make sense to me. But then again, it once did.
All these months I realized that the only thing that helped me stand on my own two feet and continue was this; being myself, supporting people that are different and not letting hate poison me. If there's one thing I am happy about is the way I am and the way I see things. I see everything crystal-clear. I see the world as it is.
To me, if someone kills a man, it's not wrong because he is black or Asian; it's wrong because it's an act of hate.
I realized that this motivated me. I motivated myself. Frank Ocean motivated me by risking his career just to be honest and different, not caring what others might think. In the homophobic world of Hip Hop and RnB, that was a first. But it was an act of freedom that inspires me to this day and will inspire me for the rest of my life.
Thanks to some people that are pushing the boundaries every day, others live more easily. More free. More different.

I think "being free" or "different" is mostly a thing that can be expressed through art. Artists are the most free human beings. I hope I can be a great artists one day. A great writer. But the only thing that will get me there is being honest, being free, being me. Because the people I admire the most, fought against all odds to get where they're at. I hope to be like that one day; to make my dreams come true by being who I am, even if it means going against all odds. I hope to be an inspiration to people as some people are to me. 
Now, I can finally understand that, sometimes, the world is not "wrong". Our perspective is wrong. The way we look at things. 
I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you understood my points.

 Thank you for reading. But mostly, thank you for being yourself.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Poem : Jamais Vu (In My Dreams)

The flames are here, but where did the fire go?
It's winter, but why isn't there snow?
The world is crowded but I'm still feeling alone.
We're all different, but I still feel like a clone.
The people are empty, where did our souls go?
Is anyone happy or do we all put on a show?
How did we become so vacant, without a soul?
How did this happen? How did we lose control?
I look around, everyone's empty and sad,
looking out only for themselves, always selfish and mad.
I talk to you, but you can't seem to hear me.
Don't you want to hear me? Do you fear me?
I reach out to touch you, you're colder than ice.
Every time I think of this, a part of me dies.

I dream of a day when the whole world will change,
when we'll gain control, when we take over lifes' reins.
I dream of unconditional love, a world full of sisters and brothers,
a world where we'll treat ourselves as we want to be treated by others.
A place where we won't need to hide anymore
A place where it's not a mistake to let you see through my soul.
People won't be blind no more, they'll see the truth.
In a place full of love, a world that's bulletproof,
a world where hate doesn't exist, where we respect each other more than ourselves
where we'll be free, we'll get out of our cells. 
A place where money doesn't matter, because love is not for sale.
A world full of realness, a world where there's no shame.
A world full of difference.
A world full of change.

Maybe I am a dreamer, maybe I don't know what I'm saying,
maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm insane.
Maybe I despise hate and fear because I am out of my mind 
or maybe I am really dying inside.
I hope that this world will become a better place.
I dream of the day everyone awakes.
Maybe you disagree, but you'll never bring me down.
I'm so happy in my dreams, I feel like I'm dancing on a cloud.
You're in my dreams now, where everyone is happy.

Maybe I'm a dreamer, 

(I linked some lines to a song that inspired me to write this.)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Poem : Rise

How many times do we think that it's all over, 
how many times do we say that we'll quit?
How many times do we feel like an impotent rover?
How many times do we think that we can't make it?

But still, through all the hard times that we face
through all the hurt, pain and disappointments in our lives,
we rise, stronger than ever, feeling like the winners of this race,
even if we feel like we're trying to balance steak knives.

How many times do we feel that we live in vain,
how many times do we feel lost?
How many times do we say that we're the only one's to blame?
How many times do we feel like we should pay the cost?

But still, we rise like a phoenix from the ashes,
we rise, walking tall against the rain.
Against all odds, we find light in the darkness.
We rise once more, 'cause it's our time to reign.

(The line "balance steak knives" was inspired by a song, so I thought I should put a link there)