Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!

I wish a happy New Year to everyone! 
I decided to write a post in order to wish the best to everyone! Let's hope 2014 is better than 2013 was.
I am not going to wish the typical things everyone wishes on a New Years Eve, like "I wish 2014 brings the best to you". I hope YOU will do your best to make the most out of it! I hope YOU will take action and change everything you don't like and become better in 2014. 
That's my goal and my piece of advice to you! 
Be a little better every day! Learn as much as you can! Listen and understand more than you talk! Think more! Be yourself! Don't be afraid to take risks (in the end, we only regret the risks we didn't take)! Don't be afraid to go against everyone for what you want! Do what you truly love and have a passion for and everything else will eventually fall into place!! Always keep your head held high and you feet steady to the ground! 

To all the people that were there for me, that helped me become a better me, that showed me the way every time I got lost, that truly cared for me in 2013 I wanna say: 
Thank you for being there! I promise to always do my best so I can give back to these people, inspire them to be better and help them through their own struggles. I really can't express how much it means to me that you were there for me! I appreciate everything you have done and I hope I can be to others what you were to me!

To all the people that doubted me, that tried to hurt me, that tried to make me go against everything I stand for, that really made it hard for me this year I want to say:
My biggest thanks go out to you! You helped me become stronger, better, happier and smarter than ever! You helped me figure out a lot about myself and who I really am! You helped me become irresistible to pain!
You helped me know who to trust. You helped me grow up a lot and understand so many things better than before; you made me the man I want to be! Because, let's face it, you are the ones that deserve the most 
thanks. If it hadn't be for you, I wouldn't be writing this. I would be sitting on my ass, complaining about everything I don't like! You helped me gain more than I lost in 2013! And that's why I want to say that I appreciate it (even though I know no such person wanted it to have this outcome)! I wish all the best for you, too! 

To all the people I may have hurt or disappointed in some way:
I hope to learn from my mistakes as much as I can. I know that I did many things that I should have done in a different way... but I was always me. So I hope you understand. Sometimes, you may hurt others simply by doing what it is that you want. I don't apologize. I don't want to be better so everyone can like me. I just want to do as many good things as I can and as less bad things as I can in 2014. I am trying to learn from all those times I was wrong this year.

2014 is just a step away. Throw away everything that is holding you back. Sail to new seas. Discover new things. Change. Become better. Help others. Learn from others and teach to others. Give and get back. Love and be loved. 
Don't be afraid of anything. Fear exists only in the mind.
May this year hold the best that are yet to come for all of us.

From my heart to yours,
Costas Detroit!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poem : Το Μισοτελειωμένο Ποίημα.

Σε όποιον λέω ότι γράφω, σχεδόν πάντα, η πρώτη ερώτηση που δέχομαι είναι "γιατί δεν γράφω στα ελληνικά". Και αυτό γίνεται γιατί α) είμαι πολύ καλύτερος στα αγγλικά και β) δεν ξέρω γιατί, αλλά δεν μου "βγαίνει".
Αποφάσισα όμως ότι αξίζει να προσπαθήσω, τουλάχιστον μία φορά για να δω τι θα βγει. 
Το αποτέλεσμα είναι αυτό που θα διαβάσετε παρακάτω...


Σαν το φως του ήλιου που σβήνει
και το ηλιοβασίλεμα απαλά φιλά τα βουνά,
στο τέλος μου φτάνω, τίποτα πιά δεν έχει μείνει
και η καρδιά μου θα χαθεί, σαν πλοίο σε πελάγη μακρινά.

Σαν την βουή του πλήθους, ένα βράδυ στην Αθήνα,
όλα γρήγορα τρέχουν, μες την τρέλα του κόσμου.
Κι ίσως όλα τελειώνουν σαν τα βράδια εκείνα,
χείλη πικρά, μάτια υγρά, χέρια αδειανά στο τέλος του δρόμου.

Σαν τις μέρες του καλοκαιριού, σε ένα νησί, μακριά,
γέλια ταξιδεύουν στον αέρα, χαμόγελα ζωγραφίζουν την σκηνή.
Λέμε πως ξεχνάμε τον πόνο, μα πονάμε βαθιά,
γιατί η χαρά ενός αιώνα, είναι ο πόνος που νιώθω για μοναχά μιά στιγμή.

Σαν τα πουλιά που πετούν περήφανα στην αγκαλιά του ουρανού,
κάθε μέρα γρήγορα χάνεται με μια κενή ιαχή.
Και όπως τα κύματα, που με δύναμη χτυπούν την βάση ενός βράχου,
έτσι με συναισθήματα πλημμυρίζει η δικιά μου η ψυχή.

Και σαν ποίημα μισοτελειωμένο,
που για πάντα αίνιγμα θα παραμείνει,
για εμάς χάνεται το τρένο
και το τέλος, στο στήθος μου επάνω, για πάντα σαν φυλαχτό θα μείνει.